How to Finish Strong in a Job Interview

Making a good first impression during a job interview is crucial. But leaving a good last impression may be just as important. Your final words and actions during an interview could be what the employer remembers most about you. “I like to say that a last impression is a lasting impression,” career coach Chrissy Scivicque […]
5 Things to Do Before You Send Out Your Resume

Whether you’ve just lost your job or you’re desperate to get out of the job you’re in, your first instinct is to act fast. You want to send out as many resumes as possible – right now! But wait. Now isn’t the time to act haphazardly. If you don’t take time to think through your […]
7 Things to Do Before You Look for a New Job

The rise of the Great Resignation has caused many workers to rethink their jobs. There will always be days when you feel frustrated at work. However, if looking for a new job is the next step in your career, it pays to be prepared. Here are some important steps to take before you start a […]