Are You Hanging Onto Bad Employees? Know When It’s Time to Let them Go
If you’re like many managers, you’re genuinely invested in your employees. You want them to do well. You’re committed to helping them improve. But what happens when you run into an employee who can’t or won’t accept coaching? What if that person is bringing the whole team down? Here are some signs that it may […]
Best Tips for Onboarding Employees During the Holidays
The holidays are stressful for many companies, especially if they happen to be your busy season. Whether you’re bringing on full-time workers or seasonal help, onboarding is probably the last thing you feel like doing. Yet getting it right is essential to making sure your new team members are set up for success. Here are […]
How Many Candidates Research Your Company Pre-Interview?
According to LinkedIn, a stunning 75% of job applicants research a company’s brand before ever applying. Nearly as many (72%) recruiting leaders agree that branding has a significant impact on hiring top talent. But a lot of companies don’t fully understand branding or how to do it. Here is what you should know. What Is Branding? Branding is a […]
Safety First: Practice What You Preach
There’s an old concept in the construction industry known as the field/office divide. This represents the idea that the decisions being made in the home office rarely match what is happening in the field. Although it’s generally somewhat better in light industrial and technical workplaces, since managers tend to be onsite, there can still be a gulf between employees and […]
Is Your 9-to-5 Becoming Monotonous? Here Are Some Tips
Once upon a time, you were excited about your job. You enjoyed getting up in the morning, and your workdays flew by effortlessly. You couldn’t stop telling your friends all the good things about your career. But now you’re quoting a song title from the late, great B.B. King, “The Thrill is Gone.” What went […]
3 Reasons Why Having a Skilled Trades Mentor Will Boost Your Career
Over the years, mentoring has been a valuable development opportunity for those in the early stages of their career. By having the guidance and support of an experienced mentor, mentees are provided with a wide range of personal and professional benefits. This will ultimately lead to improved performance in the workplace. The benefits of mentoring, […]