Getting Over the Fear of Asking Questions at Work

If you are afraid to ask questions at work, you need to ask yourself one question: Why? Many people who dislike requesting information or assistance don’t want to appear dumb or incompetent. Or they don’t feel the question is important enough, and they’re afraid to bother someone else. In some companies or some situations, questions […]

How to Decide if Going Back to Your Old Job is a Good Idea

How to Decide if Going Back to Your Old Job is a Good Idea | Pro Resources

During the Great Resignation, many workers switched positions. Now, it seems a lot of them have the new job blues. You may be among regretful work shifters who are considering trying to get your old job back. But even if returning to your old job is possible, is it wise? Should You Go Back to […]

6 Reasons Why Third Shift Might be Right for You

6 Reasons Why Third Shift Might be Right for You | Pro Resources

If you’re having trouble finding work, you’ve likely considered some out-of-the-box approaches to getting noticed. You can network on social media, submit a video resume, even cold-called the company’s recruiter. But have you considered taking a different shift? In some cases, it may be easier to break into a career if you are open to […]