What to Do When Your Degree Doesn’t Fit in With the Career You Want
It happens often. Students declare a major two years before graduation, and by the time they receive their diploma, they realize they’re no longer interested in pursuing a career within that major. They know what they want to do. They just don’t have the right degree to pursue it. Sound familiar? If it does, it’s […]
3 Common Resume Mistakes You Might Be Making
If you somehow believe that a well-written, mistake-free resume isn’t all that important, think about this: Your resume is usually the first contact you have with a potential employer. They get their first impression of you from that document. Now, you most likely do believe in the importance of a good first impression. In this […]
5 Things You Should Do the Moment After You Schedule Your First Interview
You just got off the phone with the hiring manager. She called you to schedule a time for your job interview. This is wonderful news, and you’re understandably excited. Just remember, getting the interview and being offered a job are two entirely different things. You got the first one; now give yourself the best chance […]