How to Manage Your Candidate Database More Effectively

If you regularly hire workers for the same types of positions, you probably have lots of information stored in your candidate database. Lucky you! If you play your cards right, these candidates can also be a primary source of potential leads for future openings within your company. Think about the last person you didn’t hire. […]
Job Hunting? One in Three People Find Work Through Family and Friends

When times get rough, your family and friends are there for support. So, it’s only natural to turn to them for help when you’re looking for work. In fact, about one in three people find a job through friends. However, before you reach out to your social circle, make sure you have a plan. Plan […]
Are You Looking to Get Promoted? Try These Tips

If you feel like you’ve gotten everything you can out of your current position, it may be time to start angling for a promotion. But it’s not always that easy. You may have competition not only from your coworkers, but also from outside candidates. So how can you show your company that you’re the best […]
Are You Hanging Onto Bad Employees? Know When It’s Time to Let them Go

If you’re like many managers, you’re genuinely invested in your employees. You want them to do well. You’re committed to helping them improve. But what happens when you run into an employee who can’t or won’t accept coaching? What if that person is bringing the whole team down? Here are some signs that it may […]
Are Resumes Needed to Get a Job?

If you’re looking for a light industrial position, you might wonder if a resume is really necessary. Can’t you just go down to the company and fill out an application instead? Unfortunately, in today’s workplace, a resume is typically a basic requirement. Here are some reasons why. Showing Your Skills and Experience Much more than […]
Cut Your Meeting Time Down and Get BETTER Results

Meetings have always been the bane of the workplace, and it’s gotten worse since many companies have switched to a largely remote workforce. If you’re tired of meetings that never seem to end, you may be heartened to know that shorter meetings can actually be more effective. Humans have a limited attention span, so it’s […]