Best Tips for Onboarding Employees During the Holidays

The holidays are stressful for many companies, especially if they happen to be your busy season. Whether you’re bringing on full-time workers or seasonal help, onboarding is probably the last thing you feel like doing. Yet getting it right is essential to making sure your new team members are set up for success. Here are […]
Are You Guilty of Checking Your Email After Hours?

There are many ways that employees can upset their work-life balance. Checking emails after hours is high on the list of transgressions. Recent studies show that many workers feel more significant anxiety and lower relationship satisfaction when they check emails during non-working hours. The sense of continually being “at work,” even on evenings, weekends, and vacations, creates stress that has negative […]
Why Indiana Might Be the Place for You to Settle Down

There is plenty of speculation on how the term “Hoosier” came about, but two things are certain: it refers to anyone who lives in the state of Indiana, and practically everyone who resides there is proud of it. The Hoosier State is known for having several cities that offer an exceptional quality of life. And […]
Following Up After an Interview…Yeah, It’s THAT Important!

You did all the right things preparing for your big job interview: You researched the company, you rehearsed answers to the most common questions, and you prepared some questions for the interviewer. Everything went well during the interview, and you’re relieved and excited, knowing you’ve positioned yourself for a job offer. Now it’s just a […]
A Checklist for Your First Day at a Temporary Job

The first day of a temporary job provides an opportunity to make a good impression on all those people you could be working with for many years. That’s right. Just because a job starts out as a temporary gig, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. If you ask intelligent questions, make a good […]
5 Simple Exercises That Can Help You Combat Stress at Work

The workplace can be a stress-inducing environment. Your first reaction to that statement is probably: “Tell me something I don’t already know!” Well, you might not realize there are a few simple exercises that can provide immediate relief on those days when your stress level is completely off the charts and you can barely focus […]