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How to Keep Hope When Your Job Search Feels Endless

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How to Keep Hope When Your Job Search Feels Endless

Job hunting can be emotionally draining, even when the process is brief. If you’ve been looking for a job for a long time, that stress and anxiety can build until you feel like you’re at the breaking point. You might start to feel like something is wrong with you, and to worry that you will never find a new job. Fortunately, there are some ways to beat back these feelings and keep the faith, even when job hunting drags on and on.

Structure Your Days

Humans like to feel a sense of control over our lives, which can make the uncertainty of job hunting tough to tolerate. But you can take back a sense of control by structuring your days during the job search process. Set small daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and reward yourself when you meet them. Try to keep similar hours each day, perhaps by scheduling resume updating for the mornings and interviews in the afternoons. Log out of your job search completely every afternoon, dedicating your evening hours to family or personal time.

Take a Break

You might feel guilty “going on vacation” while you’re still looking for work. But disconnecting now and then is absolutely essential for mental health. If you’re feeling detached, unmotivated, or exhausted, you won’t be able to give your best efforts, which makes it less likely that you’ll find a job.

Depending on your circumstances, take off a day or even a week. Spend that time catching up with friends, sleeping, or even binge-watching Netflix. As you feel up to it, consider doing tasks that are tangentially related to your job hunt, such as looking into going back to school or seeking a mentor. You might just hit on something that can jump-start your job hunt when you’re ready to get back to it.

Identify and Address Your Triggers

Which specific element of job hunting makes you the most miserable? Do you feel like you’re having trouble making your resume shine? Do you get tongue-tied during interviews? Maybe you spiral into unhealthy thought patterns if you don’t hear back right away.

Whatever your personal triggers might be, write them down. Then write down supports you could use. Maybe your best friend is a resume whiz, or your grandmother is an amazing public speaker. Tap into your network to find people who are good at the things that trip you up, and ask for their help. Talking out your issues and taking concrete steps to address them can go a long way toward boosting your mood and making you feel more confident about landing a new job.

If you’re ready to take the first steps into your future, contact Pro Resources today.
