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How Many Candidates Research Your Company Pre-Interview?

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How Many Candidates Research Your Company Pre-Interview?

According to LinkedIn, a stunning 75% of job applicants research a company’s brand before ever applying. Nearly as many (72%) recruiting leaders agree that branding has a significant impact on hiring top talent. But a lot of companies don’t fully understand branding or how to do it. Here is what you should know. 

What Is Branding? 

Branding is a somewhat confusing concept for many people, but it can be defined as the perceived benefits of your company. Branding can include everything from your company’s culture and values to the daily experiences of your employees. Some of today’s biggest brands, such as Apple and Facebook, have developed strong branding that lets both job applicants and consumers know exactly what they can expect. 

Benefits of Branding 

Have you ever thought about your dream job? It probably encompasses not only a job description, but also a workplace where you feel valued, supported, and comfortable. Job seekers feel the same way. They are seeking the right fit in a company that they can be proud of. Increasingly, this also applies to potential customers. They want to support a brand that mirrors their values and makes them feel good about how they spend their money. Here are a few benefits of branding: 

  • Recruiting and keeping strong employees: Top talent can afford to be choosy, and your brand can convince them to come aboard. Likewise, if your current employees believe in your brand, they are more likely to stick with you during downturns. 
  • Lowering costs: From hiring to marketing, an established brand can focus on targeted campaigns rather than constantly throwing money at trying to recruit employees and customers. 
  • Building Loyalty: The most established brands have the public trust and loyalty needed to guarantee successful product launches. Once you have a strong brand, you’ll know that they can count on your employees to not only stick around, but to serve as brand ambassadors, convincing their friends to try your products or services and referring job seekers to fill your open positions. 

Building a brand won’t happen overnight. It takes an investment of both time and money. But if you want to consistently attract top talent, and ensure a steady stream of revenue, branding is a smart place to focus your energy. 

Ready to hire? 

Contact Pro Resources for the light industrial or technical/professional help you need. With more than 30 years of experiencewe have the expertise to help you recruit your next team member. 
