Stephanie just found out that she’s been invited to interview for an administrative assistant position with a local manufacturing firm. She neither owns a car nor has a driver’s license. She’s an honest young woman, but she isn’t sure if she should mention this at the interview. What if she isn’t chosen because she doesn’t drive? Understandably, she’s torn between telling the truth and not wishing to reveal something that may eliminate her from consideration.
Here is what most experts say about the issue of not being able to drive: While there are jobs that require you to have a car—visiting nurses, pizza deliverers, salespeople, etc.—most employers are only concerned with your attendance. How you get to work is unimportant. Showing up, and on time, is what they care about. Here are some other things they advise:
Don’t bring it up in your cover letter.
While you need to be honest about any potential transportation challenges, it’s not something to mention in your cover letter. Make a case for you being the ideal candidate for the position. The cover letter is where you promote yourself enough to get an interview. Being upfront about a transportation issue could hurt your chances of being invited.
Don’t bring it up in the interview, either.
As long as you are confident that not having a car won’t keep you from coming to work on time every day, there’s no reason you should mention it. How you get to work is your business, and you don’t have to broach the subject with the interviewer.
Be honest if the hiring manager asks about transportation.
It’s not unusual for an interviewer to ask if you have reliable transportation. Be honest without going into details. Show that you have thought about the issue thoroughly and come up with options to get around it. Here are a few to think about:
- Maybe the company is close enough that you can walk to work. Proximity should eliminate any misgivings about you being able to get to work under most circumstances.
- Public transit, if available, could be your best option. It’s inexpensive, and you wouldn’t be at the mercy of bad weather. Let the interviewer know you have researched the train and bus schedules, and they will work for your work schedule.
- You could ride your bike to work if there is a safe route. Make sure you have an alternative in case of snow or ice.
- Carpooling is another option, but you might not be able to count on it until after you start the job and meet your co-workers. Since you won’t be able to take turns driving, you’ll have to pay and make sure you are on time every day.
Getting a job without a car can seem complicated at first, but most available jobs don’t require you to own a car, and there are lots of ways to get to work without one.
Let us help you find a job that doesn’t require you to own a car.
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